Molekule Air Purifier Open Class Action Settlement is Paying Out - Check Your Email and Spam Folders

Molekule Air Purifier Open Class Action Settlement is Paying Out - Check Your Email and Spam Folders

Updated: February 17, 2023

Claim Form Deadline: Passed

Payouts: $3.00 - $56.00

Proof required: No

Method of payment: Direct Deposit / Venmo / PayPal / Prepaid Card / Mailed Check

**This settlement was available for claimants with or without proof.**

Molekule No Proof Class Action Sending Out Payments to Qualified Claimaints

The Molekule Class Action Settlement is sending out payments via email, including voucher discount codes, and cash payments via PayPal, Venmo, Direct Deposit and digital prepaid Mastercard. The Apaliski, et al. v. Molekule, Inc. Air Purifier Class Action Settlement is a legal case where Molekule, Inc., a company that produces air purifiers, was accused of making false and misleading claims about their product's ability to improve indoor air quality. The case has been settled, and those that were legitimate claimants in the class action, and filed a claim form, are receiving emails that they are entitled to a pro-rata share of the Cash Fund, which amounts to anywhere reported from $3 to $56.00 each. They report that have until March 17, 2023, to claim their reward through the designated secure online process, including prepaid cards and Venmo, as well as a voucher for those that selected a coupon towards the purchase of a replacement Molekule filter. It's worth noting that the pro-rata share is less than the original estimate due to a much higher than anticipated number of claims filed, according to the open class action settlement administrators.

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What was the Molekule Open Class Action Settlement About?

A $1,300,000 Settlement has been reached with a maker of air purifier systems. This settlement affects all persons who (a) purchased in the United States, any of the Air Purifiers from a third-party seller, including but not limited to, Amazon, b8ta, Best Buy, MoMa Design Store NYC, and Sprout on or before October 12, 2021, and (b) as of October 12, 2021, had not agreed to the arbitration provision in Molekule’s Terms & Conditions. Air purifier sales have skyrocketed while Covid has been at the forefront of consumer attempts to mitigate risks of infection by Coronavirus.

What Can I Get?

All Settlement Class Members may file a claim to receive a Cash Payment and Coupon. Based on the estimated class size and value of the settlement, the average net amount in cash Settlement Class Members would receive from the Settlement if they purchased one Air Purifier is $43.80. The amount you will actually receive could be appreciably more or less than this amount, depending on a number of factors including the number of Settlement Class Members who submit a valid claim, the number of Air Purifiers you purchased, the particular model of Air Purifier(s) you purchased, and whether you provide proof of purchase.

How Do I File a Claim?

To participate in the settlement, you can must have submitted a Claim under Group A or Group B. Those who submit under Group A are eligible for a greater amount of cash from the settlement but are required to submit, in addition to this claim form, a valid receipt or similar documentation showing purchase of an Air Purifier from a third-party seller or a photograph of a valid serial number of an Air Purifier. Those who submit under Group B are not required to provide this information but must still fill out and submit this claim form.

In order to qualify for any payment you must submit a Valid Claim form HERE by May 31, 2022.

Claim Form Website:

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