Noom Class Action Settlement

Noom Class Action Settlement

Updated: January 12, 2023

Settlement Status: Payments Sent

Claim Form Deadline: Passed

Payout: Up To $473.71

Proof required: Yes

Method of payment: Mailed Check

What's The Noom Lawsuit About?

The case challenges Noom's auto-renewal and cancellation practices. In particular, the lawsuit claims that Noom violated the common law and state consumer protection law by not adequately disclosing auto-renewal offer terms of the Noom Healthy Weight subscription in a clear and conspicuous manner, and by not providing a simple online mechanism for cancellation.

Noom is online platform which promises to help as many people as possible live healthier lives through behavior change. They describing their strategy as "By equipping people with the wisdom and power of behavioral psychology, we believe we can help everyone build long-lasting, positive habits."

How Do I Qualify?

You are the class member if you purchased an auto-renewing Noom Healthy Weight Subscription through Noom's website or mobile app between May 12, 2016 and October 6, 2020 while in the United States and did not receive a full refund or charge-back of your subscription payments. If you received an email or notice through Facebook or Instagram about this Settlement, Noom's records show that you may be a Class Member.

Not everybody who bought Noom is included in the Settlement. If you didn't get a notice and think you should be included in the Settlement, please send an email to [email protected] or call 1-844-999-2466.

The class is divided into two Subclasses, Subclasses A and B:

You are part of Subclass A if you fit part of the following:

(i) you either never completed your Noom enrollment but were charged,
(ii) you enrolled but there is proof that you never used Noom post-trial,
(iii) there is proof that you used Noom during the trial but not after you were charged for a subscription,
(iv) there is proof that you used Noom two times or fewer post-trial,
(v) there is proof that you stopped using Noom after day 58 of your subscription,
(vi) you received a partial refund of any payments for the Healthy Weight Subscription, or
(vii) you were a resident of California when you signed up for a Healthy Weight Subscription.

You are part of subclass B if you do not meet any of the requirements of Subclass A

What Can I Get?

The parties estimate the following average payment for persons who are members of each Subclass:

• The average Subclass A member will receive $167.00

• The average Subclass B member will receive $30.00, excluding any subscription fee credits. Members of Subclass B can also choose to receive one free month of Noom's Health Weight product. This free month does not reduce your potential cash reward.

How Do I File a Claim?

To get a payment, you must have completed and submitted a valid class action Claim Form no later than June 24, 2022 online. The Court held a Final Approval Hearing at 10:00 a.m. on July 11, 2022, New York and is now processing claims.

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