Pork Foods Price-Fixing Class Action Settlement
Photo Credit: Unsplash | Updated: May 24, 2024
Payout: Varies
Proof required: No
What is the Pork Products Class Action?
A $75 Million class action settlement has been agreed upon and approved over price-fixing of pork products. The original open class action lawsuit alleges that indirect purchasers of pork products, such as seaboard foods and triumph foods, had paid higher prices as the result of price fixing. The details of the filed class action lawsuit allege that JBS USA Food Company, and their co-conspirator defedendats combined efforts in order to fix prices of certain pork products starting from at least January 1, 2009, costing average consumers millions of dollars.
The class action lawsuit made assertions that it was the intent and explicit expected result that increased products would pour money into the coffers of certain pork producers and marketers, and their affiliates. The lawsuit alleged that these monopolistic activities are in direct contradiction to federal and state antitrust laws that aim to protect consumers.
Some of the alleged co-conspirators in the pork class action complaint are producers of pork products, in addition to a company called Agri Stats, Inc. Some of the companies involved in the pork class action are:
• JBS USA Food Company,
• JBS USA Food Company Holdings,
• Clemens Food Group, LLC,
• The Clemens Family Corporation,
• Hormel Foods Corporation,
• Seaboard Foods LLC,
• Smithfield Foods, Inc.,
• Triumph Foods, LLC,
• Tyson Foods, Inc.,
• Tyson Prepared Foods, Inc.,
• Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc.,
• Agri Stats, Inc.
How Do I Qualify?
You qualify if you indirectly purchased pork or pork products from any of the above listed companies, their "co-conspirators", or any of their subsidies or affiliates for personal consumption any time from January 1, 2009, through April 2, 2021. Only the following states are eligible:
Qualifying States |
Arizona |
California |
District of Columbia |
Florida |
Hawaii |
Illinois |
Iowa |
Kansas |
Maine |
Massachusetts |
Michigan |
Minnesota |
Missouri |
Nebraska |
Nevada |
New Hampshire |
New Mexico |
New York |
North Carolina |
North Dakota |
South Carolina |
Rhode Island |
Tennessee |
Utah |
Virginia |
West Virginia |
At this time, it is unknown how much each Settlement Class Member that submits a valid claim will
receive. The amount will be determined by the amount of valid claims.
The settlement has since been granted final approval by the presiding judge, Judge Tuhheim, on September 14, 2022.
How Do I File a Claim?
The pork class action settlement is now closed to new payout claims. To file a claim in the Pork Pricing Class Action Settlement, you must have followed links below to the official class action administrator's website, linked below.
Filing Class Action Settlement Claims
Please note that your claim form will be rejected if you submit a settlement claim with fraudulent information. By providing this information and your sworn statement of its veracity, you agree to do so under the penalty of perjury. You would also be harming others that actually qualify for the class action settlement. If you are not sure whether or not you qualify for this class action settlement, visit the class action administrator's website. OpenClassActions.com is a participant in the Amazon affiliate advertising program and this post may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission or fees if you make a purchase via those links.
How Do I Find Class Action Settlements?
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