$78.5 Million Toyota Airbag Control Unit Class Action

$78.5 Million Toyota Airbag Control Unit Class Action

Class Action Settlement

Unsplash / Christina Telep | Published: March 11, 2024

Claim Form Deadline: December 16, 2026

Payout: Varies

Proof required: Yes

What Is Toyota Airbag Settlement About?

A $78.5 Million Class Action Settlement has been reached with Toyota over allegations that the company designed and sold vehicles with defective and dangerous airbags. The problem was found in the Airbag Control Unit (Also known as the "ACU") component that is specifically responsible for airbags in case car accidents happen.

Plaintiffs claim that the Airbag Control Unit in Toyota vehicles is susceptible to an electrical overstress situation, potentially leading to malfunctioning airbags and other safety systems during a collision. This could result in scenarios such as airbag non-deployment or other safety shortcomings. This resulted in Toyota being subjected to a class action lawsuit, which eventually resulted in a landmark settlement of $78,500,000.

How Do I Know If I Qualify?

The Settlement covers consumers who had vehicles listed below, which were sold or leased across the United States, including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and all of the other U.S. territories.

Toyota Model Model Year
Toyota Corolla 2011 - 2019
Toyota Corolla Matrix 2011 - 2013
Toyota Avalon 2012 - 2018
Toyota Avalon HV 2013 - 2018
Toyota Tacoma 2012 - 2019
Toyota Tundra 2012 - 2017
Toyota Sequoia 2012 - 2017

If you are still not sure whether your vehicle is included in the Toyota Airbag Class Action Settlement you can use the settlement administrator's official VIN Lookup Tool to check whether you are eligible for a payout from the Toyota class action. To find your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) you can typically inspect either the driver's side dashboard or the driver's side door where you'll find the 17-digit VIN number for your vehicle and use it to check whether you can receive a cash payout or reimbursement.

How Much Can I Get Paid?

Consumers can qualify for a portion of the $78.5 Million Settlement fund. Toyota and the Court have agreed to numerous benefits for qualified Class Action members:

Reimbursement Out-Of-Pocket expenses related to recalls: This includes costs for transportation to and from a Toyota Dealer, such as rental car expenses if a loaner vehicle isn't provided, towing charges, childcare expenses incurred while waiting for the recall completion, unreimbursed repair costs for your vehicle's ACU, and lost wages due to time off from work for drop-off or pickup of your vehicle at a Toyota Dealer.

Potential Residual payments of up to $250: After all of the above out-of-pocket expense payments will be paid out, and if any money remains in the Settlement Fund, the remaining cash will be equally distributed between all qualifying Class Members. To receive reimbursement payment you must submit a valid claim form by the deadline.

A thorough vehicle inspection program: After the Court grants final approval for the Toyota Airbag Settlement, Toyota will start a program to inspect Subject Vehicles if the qualifying Toyota vehicle was in a frontal crash and Toyota was informed that the seat belt mechanism called the pretensioner and/or airbag didn't deploy.

An extended warranty for new parts is provided for vehicles that fall under the recall: Toyota will offer an Extended New Parts Warranty for all vehicles that complete the Recall. This warranty lasts for 12 years and covers any new parts installed as part of the Recall. It includes repairs or replacements for these parts, such as if the airbag warning light comes on due to a problem with the new parts or installation.

A program to inform members of the class about the recall: Toyota will start a program to reach out to owners of the affected vehicles included in the Recall. This program aims to increase the number of recalls completed by using different ways to contact owners and will adjust methods as necessary.

A program that may offer reimbursement for rental cars, provide loaner vehicles, and inform about any future Airbag Control Unit recalls: If a Class Member goes to a Toyota Dealer regarding the recall but does not receive a temporary loaner vehicle, they may be eligible to ask for reimbursement for reasonable rental car costs by submitting a Registration/Claim Form before the Claim Form deadline.

How Do I Find Class Action Settlements?

Find all the latest class actions you can qualify for by getting notified of new lawsuits as soon as they are open to claims:

How Do I File a Claim and Get Paid?

To be eligible to receive any benefits or payments from Settlement Fund you must submit a valid claim form. While the exact claim form deadline hasn't been set, it will be no earlier than at least the following date: December 16, 2026.

You can also contact the official Toyota Airbag Settlement Administrator if you have any questions by using their Contact Form or contact them directly:

By Snail Mail:
Toyota Airbag Control Unit Settlement
c/o Kroll Settlement Administration, LLC
P.O. Box 225391
New York, NY 10150-5391

By Email:
[email protected]

By Phone:

Claim Form Website: AirBagControlUnitSettlement.com

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