Ikea Credit and Debit Card Transactions Class Action Settlement
Photo Credit: Unsplash | Updated: May 4, 2023
Claim Form Deadline: May 4, 2023 (Passed)
Estimated Payout: $30.00 - $60.00
Proof required: No
What's The IKEA Class Action Settlement About?
A $24,250,000 Class Action Settelment has been agreed to with IKEA. The IKEA class action lawsuit that was brought to courts alleged that IKEA Stores violated FACTA (The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act) by printing point-of-sale receipts for credit card and debit card transactions that included more than 5 digits of the customer's card number. In the case of the IKEA settlement, receipts had printed the first 6 and the last 4 digits of consumer credit or debit cards as the result of transactions made at stores.FACTA is the speicifc consumer law designed to protect consumers in three broad ways:
• Consumer Protection
• Security and Privacy
• Credit Reporting
According to the IKEA Court case documents, IKEA allegedly displayed more than the last five digits of the card number, which would be in violation of FACTA. FACTA, or the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act is an act passed by the US congress in 2003 that aims to improve consumer credit-related activities and protect consumer personally identifiable information.
How Do I Qualify?
You may be included in the IKEA FACTA Class Action Settlement if you used a credit or debit card at an IKEA retail store anytime between October 18, 2017 and December 31, 2019. In that case you would be entitled to payment or benefits under the agreement of the IKEA class action settlement. You will need to submit a valid and timely claim form (see below) by the deadline of May 4, 2023 to qualify. The purchase must have resulted in a point-of-sale receipt that included the first 6 and last 4 digits of your debit or credit card number on the receipt, in violation of FACTA.
What Can I Get in the IKEA Class Action Settlement?
The amount of payment you will get from this class action settlement is estimated by the IKEA class action administrators to be somewhere between $30.00 and $60.00, depending on how many people file valid claim forms. The more legitimate claim forms are filed, the less each claim will pay out.
How Do I Find Class Action Settlements?
Find all the latest Class Action Settlements you can qualify for by getting notified of new lawsuits as soon as they are open to claims:
How Do I File a Claim?
To be eligible to receive a payment from the IKEA class action settlement, you must submit a timely and legitimate Claim Form by May 4, 2023 electronically. You can also download, print and mail the claim form by the deadline here.
Filing Class Action Settlement Claims
Please note that your claim form will be rejected if you submit a settlement claim for payout with any fraudulent information. By providing this information and your sworn statement of its veracity, you agree to do so under the penalty of perjury. You would also be harming others that actually qualify for the class action settlement. If you are not sure whether or not you qualify for this class action settlement, visit the class action administrator's website below. OpenClassActions.com is only providing information and is not a class action administrator or a law firm.
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