$100M Walgreens Prescription Drug Pricing Class Action Settlement

$100M Walgreens Prescription Drug Pricing Class Action Settlement

Open Class Action Settlement

Photo Credit: Unsplash | Published: December 20, 2024

Claim Form Deadline: April 17, 2025

Payout: $100 Million Total Fund

Proof required: Varies

What's the Walgreens Savings Club Class Action About?

Walgreens has agreed to settle a $100 million class action lawsuit. The class action lawsuit alleges that Walgreens inflated its pharmacy drug prices by not considering the prices charged under its Prescription Savings Club, known as the Walgreens Prescription Savings Club.

Walgreens's drug pricing practices allegedly resulted in insured customers, patients, consumers, and insurers paying artificially inflated amounts for necessary prescription drugs. Walgreens denies the class action lawsuit's allegations, but has agreed to settle the record-breaking $100 million class action lawsuit.

What is the Total Settlement Amount?

The total Walgreens drug prices class action settlement amount is $100,000,000.

"Walgreens is accused of inflating the prices customers pay for their prescriptions by not including the lower prices from its Prescription Savings Club."

How Do I Qualify For a Payout?

To potentially qualify for a payout, you must be an individual or entity in the U.S. who paid for prescription drugs from Walgreens using insurance benefits at any point between January 1, 2007, and November 18, 2024.

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How Much Can I Get Paid?

The amount you can get paid from the Walgreens Prescription Savings Club class action settlement entirely depends on how much you paid for eligible prescription drugs during the period of January 1, 2007, and November 18, 2024. The $100 million settlement fund will be divided into two pools: 80% for third-party payor claimants and 20% for individual claimants, distributed on a pro rata basis, after expenses such as administrative and lawyer fees.

Walgreens Drugs Prices Settlement in Brief

Total Settlement Amount: $100,000,000

Walgreens prices class action lawsuit: Walgreens was accused of inflating its prescription drug prices to consumers

Claim Form Submission Deadline: April 17, 2025

Website for Claims and Information: SavingsClubSettlement.com

Walgreens class action settlement Fairness Hearing: September 10, 2025,

How Do I File a Claim?

You must submit an online claim form by April 17, 2025 at the very latest. The form can be found and submitted at either of the links below.

Do I Need Proof to File a Claim?

Yes, you may need to provide documentation in some cases. If you claim to have paid $10,000 or more and you have already been identified as a Walgreens price fixing class action settlement member you will need to provide proof or documentation. If you have not been identified, or are an "Unknown individual claimant" then you must provide proof of purchase of prescription drugs from Walgreens with your claim form. Third-party payor claimants, such as insurers, must also provide documentation of the amounts paid for eligible prescription drug purchases.

If you have already been identified as a class action member of the Walgreens drug prices settlement, you may have already been sent a notice that includes a Unique ID and Notice ID for your claim form. In this case you will not need to provide any additional proof of purchase for up to $10,000 of prescription purchases from Walgreens. However, you can still file a claim if you did not receive a notice or a Unique ID, as long as you provide the required supporting documentation or proof.

Claim Form Website: SavingsClubSettlement.com

Submit Claim

Filing Class Action Settlement Claims

Please note that your claim form will be rejected if you submit a settlement claim for payout with any fraudulent information. By providing this information and your sworn statement of its veracity, you agree to do so under the penalty of perjury. You would also be harming others that actually qualify for the class action settlement. If you are not sure whether or not you qualify for this class action settlement, visit the class action administrator's website below. OpenClassActions.com is only providing information and is not a class action administrator or a law firm. OpenClassActions is a participant in the Amazon affiliate advertising program and this post may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission or fees if you make a purchase via those links.
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