$985,000 Blackhawk Network Prepaid Card Data Breach Class Action Settlement

$985,000 Blackhawk Network Prepaid Card Data Breach Class Action Settlement

Open Class Action Settlement

Photo Credit: Unsplash | Updated: April 10, 2024

Claim Form Deadline: April 11, 2024 (Passed)

Estimated Payout: Up to $5,000

Proof required: No

Method of payment: PayPal / Venmo / Zelle / ACH

**This settlement is available for claimants with or without proof of purchase**

What is the Blackhawk Prepaid Card Settlement About?

A $985,000 Class Action Settlement has been agreed upon with Blackhawk Network, a popular prepaid card service provider, after a data breach incident was reported publicly by Blackhawk in August of 2022, and notifications were originally sent to some affected class action members in October 2022. The Blackhawk prepaid card data breach originally occurred some time in June 16, 2022, and certain consumers have been sent class action notices regarding potential payouts in a nearly $1,000,000 class action settlement. Some of the personally identifiable information that may have been accessed by hackers as part of the data breach incident included:

• Prepaid Debit and Gift Card Information
• Card Numbers, Expiration Dates, CVV (3 digit) Card Codes
• Full Names
• Email Addresses
• User Telephone Numbers

The class action lawsuit alleges that Blackhawk had violated consumer privacy via contractual ol obtained obligations and inadvertently allowed for unauthorized access to customer prepaid payment card information with regard to their prepaid cards, which were managed via the website, MyPrepaidCenter.com. Blackhawk has accepted the terms of the class action settlement, but explicitly denies any wrongdoing associated with the allegations in the Blackhawk prepaid card data breach lawsuit. The Blachawk prepaid credit cards open class action settlement is closed to claims as of April 12, 2024. Find new and currently open class actions here.

How Do I Qualify?

In order to qualify for the Blackhawk prepaid card data breach class action, you must have received a class action notice, such as the one below. If you received a notice, you must file a class action claim form by the deadline of April 11, 2024 if you wish to receive a payment from the class action settlement fund. An example of this class action notice, which was sent out from [email protected] is posted below. The notice will contain a unique Notice ID and Code, which you should not share with anyone else:

Blackhawk Networks Data Breach Notice

Technically, you may be a member of the Prepaid Card Data Breach Settlement if you are in the United States, and if your data was accessed by a third party in the 2022 data breach incident and you received a notice from the class action administrator. However, if you did not receive a notice and believe that you are a qualifying class action member, please contact the class action administrator directly (see links below).

How Much Can I Get in the Prepaid Card Settlement?

A pro-rated cash payment benefit will be provided to everyone that files a timely and valid claim form by April 11, 2024. If you can provide proof that you had expenses related to the data breach incident, you may also claim up to $5,000 for "Out of Pocket" losses as part of your claim. Finally, if you are a California subclass class action member, you may be entitled to a $200.00 "CCPA" class action payment from the prepaid card data breach settlement. The CCPA is the California Consumer Privacy Act, which entitles consumers to additional data privacy and security protocols such as:

The Right to Know what kind of personal information businesses collect about you and your data,
The Right to Delete your own personally identifiable information that was collected by said businesses,
The Right to Opt-Out of the sharing or re-sale of your personal data,
• The right to non-discrimination as a result of using your CCPA rights,
• The right to fix information that is incorrect or inaccurate about you,
• The right to curtail or limit the usage or disclosure of sensitive personal data about you.

How Do I Find Class Action Settlements?

Find all the latest class actions you can qualify for by getting notified of new lawsuits as soon as they are open to claims:

How Do I File a Claim?

To be eligible to receive a payment from the $985,000 Class Action Settlement, you must complete a class action Claim Form by April 11, 2024. If you received an email or letter notice containing a confirmation code and ID, you will need to use it to file a claim. If you did not receive a class action notice and believe you are part of the class action, please reach out to the official Blackhawk Prepaid Card Data Breach class action settlement administrators:

Claim Form Website: PrepaidCardDataBreachSettlement.com

Submit Claim Here

Filing Class Action Settlement Claims

Please note that your claim form will be rejected if you submit a settlement claim with fraudulent information. By providing this information and your sworn statement of its veracity, you agree to do so under the penalty of perjury. You would also be harming others that actually qualify for the class action settlement. If you are not sure whether or not you qualify for this class action settlement, visit the class action administrator's website. OpenClassActions.com is a participant in the Amazon affiliate advertising program and this post may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission or fees if you make a purchase via those links.

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